'corpCode' is an attribute that can be included in the request body when sending availability requests to Availability and Livecheck APIs. 

A corpCode is assigned to each corporate account that a TMC/booking platform owns and indicates the using party of the negotitated rates.  

A corpCode is mapped with the TMC/ booking platform, a supplier and the rate plan Id that a supplier uses to distribute the negotiated rates. 

When a TMC sends a query to Availability/ Livecheck APIs with ‘corpCode' in the request body, the system will filter the hotel offers that only this corporate account is allowed to access in hotel CRS system.  The hotel offers include corporate negotiated rates (RFP rates), consortia rates and rack rates. 

Q1: Do you have any validation of corpCodes passed through API requests? 

A1: corpCode supports alphabet, numeric characters up to 20 characters, and it is case-sensative. 

Q2: Do you support multiple corpCodes passed through API requests? 

A2: Currently we do not support this.

Q3: How are consortia rates being recognized in your system? Through which parameter do we send the consortia rate identifyer? 

A3: Currently we use corpCodes to identify consortia rates. But we can add a separate parameter for passing consortia rates. 

Q4: What is the difference between the paramters ‘corpCode' and  'corpAccount' in the request and response? 

A4: ‘corpCode' is used by TMC/ booking platform to identify who are the requesting customer to determine which product offers can be accessed and returned in the response. 'corpAccount' is an attribute to be used when the supplier requests the distributor to pass a specific value for identifying who is requesting. corpAccount has 2 keys, corpProgramCode and corpId.

The correct response depends on that the mapping of corpCode and rate plans is updated in DerbySoft’s system. To ensure this is correctly maintained, there is a module in Console which allows DerbySoft staff to manage the mapping for the distributors.