Rate Accuracy
Modified on: 2023-11-06 14:21
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What is Rate Accuracy?
The rate accuracy is the matching percentage of livecheck and cached rates under the same booking policy. Rate accuracy monitoring is divided into two dimensions: Distributor and Corporation.
Rate Accuracy of Distributor
- Definition:
Cache (stock rate) vs. Livecheck (current selling rate)
The comparison of the rate and availablity of a product livecheck from the Distributor to a single supplier and the rate and availablity stored in the DerbySoft cache of the same product. - Formula:
Number of products that Livecheck is consistent with cache/Number of products in total livecheck *100%
Rate Accuracy of Corporation
- Definition:
Cache (stock price) vs. Livecheck (current selling price)
When the Distributor sends corpCode to a single Supplier, the rate of a product livecheck is compared with the rate of the same product stored in DerbySoft Storage. - Formula:
Number of products that Livecheck is consistent with cache/Number of products in total livecheck *100%
Compare the current date period with the previous period (for example, Current period: latest 7 days, last period: latest 15-8 days) : Current period Rate Accuracy- Last period Rate Accuracy)/last period Rate Accuracy
Line Chart Explanation
The line chart shows the current rate accuracy trend for the selected date range.
The horizontal axis being the date ;
The vertical axis is the price accuracy value (0-100%).
Move to anywhere on the line chart, and the price accuracy and date of the current date appear
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