Multi-hotel Avail Shopping API
Modified on: 2024-03-22 13:46
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BTS Multi-hotel Availability Shopping is a fast shopping API for distributors to query availability of multiple hotels from ARI cache or supplier CRS. It provides high performance, high accuracy and high TPS.
POST URL: {endpoint}//shopping/multihotels
Request Example
{ "header": { "distributorId": "string", "version": "v1", "token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0" }, "hotels": [ { "supplierId": "HILTON", "hotelId": "GATHI" } ], "corpCode": "string", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2024-01-01", "checkout": "2024-01-04" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "iata": "string", "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | GATHI |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | 2 |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | 2 |
@childAges | array | No | Child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as a child count. | [ 4, 8 ] |
corpCode | string | No | Corp ID in distributor’s system | DIS |
iata | string | No | IATA of distributor | / |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
Response Example
{ "header": { "distributorId": "string", "version": "v1", "token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0" }, "stayRange": { "checkin": "2024-01-01", "checkout": "2024-01-04" }, "iata": "string", "availHotels": [ { "supplierId": "HILTON", "hotelId": "GATHI", "availRoomRates": [ { "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "inventory": 2, "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "rateFlag": "Corporate", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2024-01-01", "endDate": "2024-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 999, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ] } ] }
Error Response(HTTP Status 401)
{ "errorCode": "string", "supplierErrorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" }
Error Response(HTTP Status 500)
{ "errorCode": "string", "supplierErrorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" }
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | GATHI |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | 2 |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | 2 |
@childAges | array | No | Child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as the child count/ | [ 4, 8 ] |
iata | string | No | IATA of distributor | / |
roomRates |
| Yes | Meal plan, fee, and cancel policy are optional fields as some distributors do not support these in the API. | / |
@inventory | integer | Yes | Available inventory count according to request criteria | 1 |
@promoteCode | string | No | the code for the promotion applied to this rate, It's required when isAfterPromotion = true. | discount001 |
@roomId | string | Yes | Room ID in supplier system | 10000101 |
@rateId | string | Yes | Rate ID in supplier system | 123456 |
@currency | string | Yes | Currency code [ISO-4217] | USD |
@amountBeforeTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate without tax & fee | [ 100, 100, 120 ] |
@amountAfterTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate with tax & fee | [ 110, 110, 130 ] |
@mealPlan | string | No | meal plan code list. | RO |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the product is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater) | PayNow |
roomRates / guarantee | object | No | Guarantee information for this room rate. | / |
@guaranteeType | string | Yes | guarantee type list. | CCG |
roomRates.fees | array[object] | No | Fee or tax by date range. | / |
fees.dateRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | Start date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | End date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
fees.fee |
| Yes | / | / |
@name | string | Yes | Pattern: \w[\w\d]+ | Service Charge |
@type | enum | Yes | The fee or tax is included in the amount before tax or not. Enum: [ Inclusive, Exclusive ] | Exclusive |
@amount | number | Yes | Amount value of fee or tax | 10 |
@amountType | string | Yes | Indicates how to charge the tax, 10% per room per night in this example Enum: [ Fix, Percent ] | Percent |
@chargeType | string | Yes | Enum: [ PerRoomPerNight, PerPersonPerNight, PerRoomPerStay, PerPersonPerStay ] | PerRoomPerNight |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the fee is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater) Enum: [ PayLater, PayNow ] | PayNow |
@effectivePerson | number | No | This means the fee that will be charged based on how many persons, like extra person charge, usually applied from 3, so the 1 adult, 2 adults will be same, 3 adults will be charged an extra fee. | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy | object | No | Cancellation Policy" | / |
@code | string | Yes | Max Length: 128 Code of cancel policy | AD100P_100P |
@description | string | No | Max Length: 1024 cancel policy | Non Refundable |
cancelPolicy. cancelPenalties |
| Yes | Detail about the cancel Penalty | / |
@noShow | boolean | Yes | If true, it means the penaltyCharge applied for No-Show, and the cancellable, cancelDeadline will NOT exist. | / |
@cancellable | boolean | No | Indicates cancel is allowed or not. If false, it cannot be canceled. If true, the cancelDeadline will exist. | / |
cancelPenalties. cancelDeadline |
| No | / | / |
@offsetTimeDropType | enum | No | Enum: [ BeforeArrival ] An enumerated type indicates when the deadline drop time goes into effect. | / |
@offsetTimeUnit | enum | No | Enum: [ D, H ]
| / |
@offsetTimeValue | number | No | The number of offset times with the time unit. | / |
@deadline | string | No | local deadline time allowed for cancellation, like 4 PM, or 6 PM. | / |
cancelPenalties. penaltyCharge | / | / | / | / |
@chargeBase | enum | No | Enum: [ FullStay, NightBase ] if FullStay, it will be a percentage or amount, if NightBase, the nights are required. | / |
@nights | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is based on the night, like the first night. | / |
@amount | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is a flat charge, like USD 30.00. | / |
@percent | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is percent, like 15.5 means 15.5%. | / |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
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