Reservation API
Modified on: 2024-03-22 09:38
As part of our design update, the screenshots are currently being revised.
Change Log:
- Remove all the supplierCodein URL
- Add modifyAPI
- Remove promotionassociation attributes
- Remove addOnassociation attributes
- Add securityCodefield in /book API
Availability API
Availability API is used by distributors to check real-time availability to get all available rooms and rates for a single hotel. A call will be sent to the hotel supplier’s system to get real-time results.
POST /availability/ HTTP/1.1 URL: {endpoint}/availability/ Authorization:Bearer {apiKey} Accept-Encoding: gzip Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Request Example
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1",
"token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0"
"corpCode": "string",
"hotelId": "GATHI",
"stayRange": {
"checkin": "2024-01-01",
"checkout": "2024-01-04"
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"iata": "string",
"loyaltyAccount": {
"programCode": "BW",
"accountId": "1234567890123457"
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | GATHI |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | 2 |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | 2 |
@childAges | array | No | Child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as a child count. | [ 4, 8 ] |
corpCode | string | No | Corp ID in distributor’s system | DIS |
iata | string | No | IATA of distributor | / |
loyaltyAccount | object | No | / | / |
@programCode | string | Yes | Loyalty program code of the supplier | BW |
@accountId | string | Yes | Loyalty program account ED | 1234567890123457 |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1",
"token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0"
"hotelId": "GATHI",
"stayRange": {
"checkin": "2024-01-01",
"checkout": "2024-01-04"
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"iata": "string",
"roomRates": [
"roomId": "K1D",
"rateId": "ODAD01",
"currency": "USD",
"amountBeforeTax": [
"amountAfterTax": [
"mealPlan": "RO",
"paymentType": "PayNow",
"guarantee": {
"guaranteeType": "CCG"
"fees": [
"dateRange": {
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"endDate": "2024-01-04"
"fee": {
"name": "Service Charge",
"type": "Exclusive",
"amount": 10,
"amountType": "Percent",
"chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight",
"paymentType": "PayNow",
"effectivePerson": 0
"cancelPolicy": {
"code": "AD100P_100P",
"description": "Non Refundable",
"cancelPenalties": [
"noShow": true,
"cancellable": true,
"cancelDeadline": {
"offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival",
"offsetTimeUnit": "D",
"offsetTimeValue": 999,
"deadline": "string"
"penaltyCharge": {
"chargeBase": "FullStay",
"nights": 0,
"amount": 0,
"percent": 0
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"inventory": 2
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
- Error Response(HTTP Status 401)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
} - Error Response(HTTP Status 500)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | GATHI |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | 2 |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | 2 |
@childAges | array | No | Child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as the child count/ | [ 4, 8 ] |
iata | string | No | IATA of distributor | / |
roomRates |
| Yes | Meal plan, fee, and cancel policy are optional fields as some distributors do not support these in the API. | / |
@inventory | integer | Yes | Available inventory count according to request criteria | 1 |
@roomId | string | Yes | Room ID in supplier system | 10000101 |
@rateId | string | Yes | Rate ID in supplier system | 123456 |
@currency | string | Yes | Currency code [ISO-4217] | USD |
@amountBeforeTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate without tax & fee | [ 100, 100, 120 ] |
@amountAfterTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate with tax & fee | [ 110, 110, 130 ] |
@mealPlan | string | No | meal plan code list. | RO |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the product is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater) | PayNow |
roomRates / guarantee | object | No | Guarantee information for this room rate. | / |
@guaranteeType | string | Yes | guarantee type list. | CCG |
roomRates.fees | array[object] | No | Fee or tax by date range. | / |
fees.dateRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | Start date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | End date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
fees.fee |
| Yes | / | / |
@name | string | Yes | Pattern: \w[\w\d]+ | Service Charge |
@type | enum | Yes | The fee or tax is included in the amount before tax or not. Enum: [ Inclusive, Exclusive ] | Exclusive |
@amount | number | Yes | Amount value of fee or tax | 10 |
@amountType | string | Yes | Indicates how to charge the tax, 10% per room per night in this example Enum: [ Fix, Percent ] | Percent |
@chargeType | string | Yes | Enum: [ PerRoomPerNight, PerPersonPerNight, PerRoomPerStay, PerPersonPerStay ] | PerRoomPerNight |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the fee is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater) Enum: [ PayLater, PayNow ] | PayNow |
@effectivePerson | number | No | This means the fee that will be charged based on how many persons, like extra person charge, usually applied from 3, so the 1 adult, 2 adults will be same, 3 adults will be charged an extra fee. | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy | object | No | Cancellation Policy" | / |
@code | string | Yes | Max Length: 128 Code of cancel policy | AD100P_100P |
@description | string | No | Max Length: 1024 cancel policy | Non Refundable |
cancelPolicy. cancelPenalties |
| Yes | Detail about the cancel Penalty | / |
@noShow | boolean | Yes | If true, it means the penaltyCharge applied for No-Show, and the cancellable, cancelDeadline will NOT exist. | / |
@cancellable | boolean | No | Indicates cancel is allowed or not. If false, it cannot be canceled. If true, the cancelDeadline will exist. | / |
cancelPenalties. cancelDeadline |
| No | / | / |
@offsetTimeDropType | enum | No | Enum: [ BeforeArrival ] An enumerated type indicates when the deadline drop time goes into effect. | / |
@offsetTimeUnit | enum | No | Enum: [ D, H ]
| / |
@offsetTimeValue | number | No | The number of offset times with the time unit. | / |
@deadline | string | No | local deadline time allowed for cancellation, like 4 PM, or 6 PM. | / |
cancelPenalties. penaltyCharge | / | / | / | / |
@chargeBase | enum | No | Enum: [ FullStay, NightBase ] if FullStay, it will be a percentage or amount, if NightBase, the nights are required. | / |
@nights | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is based on the night, like the first night. | / |
@amount | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is a flat charge, like USD 30.00. | / |
@percent | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is percent, like 15.5 means 15.5%. | / |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
Livecheck API
This api is used to check real-time availability before booking. It will be forward to the hotel supplier system to get real-time result.
OST /livecheck HTTP/1.1 URL: {endpoint}/livecheck Authorization:Bearer {apiKey} Accept-Encoding: gzip Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Request Example
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1",
"token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0"
"corpCode": "string",
"hotelId": "GATHI",
"stayRange": {
"checkin": "2024-01-01",
"checkout": "2024-01-04"
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"productCandidate": {
"roomId": "K1D",
"rateId": "ODAD01"
"iata": "string",
"loyaltyAccount": {
"programCode": "BW",
"accountId": "1234567890123457"
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | GATHI |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | 2 |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | 2 |
@childAges | array | No | Child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as a child count. | [ 4, 8 ] |
productCandidate | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomId | string | Yes | Room ID in supplier's system | K1D |
@rateId | string | Yes | Rate ID in supplier's system | ODAD01 |
corpCode | string | No | Corp ID in distributor’s system | DIS |
iata | string | No | IATA of distributor | / |
loyaltyAccount | object | No | / | / |
@programCode | string | Yes | Loyalty program code of the supplier | BW |
@accountId | string | Yes | Loyalty program account ED | 1234567890123457 |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1",
"token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0"
"hotelId": "GATHI",
"stayRange": {
"checkin": "2024-01-01",
"checkout": "2024-01-04"
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"productCandidate": {
"roomId": "K1D",
"rateId": "ODAD01"
"iata": "string",
"roomRates": [
"roomId": "K1D",
"rateId": "ODAD01",
"currency": "USD",
"amountBeforeTax": [
"amountAfterTax": [
"mealPlan": "RO",
"paymentType": "PayNow",
"guarantee": {
"guaranteeType": "CCG"
"fees": [
"dateRange": {
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"endDate": "2024-01-04"
"fee": {
"name": "Service Charge",
"type": "Exclusive",
"amount": 10,
"amountType": "Percent",
"chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight",
"paymentType": "PayNow",
"effectivePerson": 0
"cancelPolicy": {
"code": "AD100P_100P",
"description": "Non Refundable",
"cancelPenalties": [
"noShow": true,
"cancellable": true,
"cancelDeadline": {
"offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival",
"offsetTimeUnit": "D",
"offsetTimeValue": 999,
"deadline": "string"
"penaltyCharge": {
"chargeBase": "FullStay",
"nights": 0,
"amount": 0,
"percent": 0
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"inventory": 2
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
- Error Response(HTTP Status 403)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 500)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | GATHI |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | 2 |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | 2 |
@childAges | array | No | Child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as the child count/ | [ 4, 8 ] |
productCandidate | object | No | / | / |
@roomId | string | No | Room ID in supplier system | K1D |
@rateId | string | No | Rate ID in supplier system | ODAD01 |
iata | string | No | IATA of distributor | / |
roomRates |
| Yes | Meal plan, fee, and cancel policy are optional fields as some distributors do not support these in the API. | / |
@inventory | integer | Yes | Available inventory count according to request criteria | 1 |
@roomId | string | Yes | Room ID in supplier system | 10000101 |
@rateId | string | Yes | Rate ID in supplier system | 123456 |
@currency | string | Yes | Currency code [ISO-4217] | USD |
@amountBeforeTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate without tax & fee | [ 100, 100, 120 ] |
@amountAfterTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate with tax & fee | [ 110, 110, 130 ] |
@mealPlan | string | No | For meal plan code, refer to the standard meal plan code list. | RO |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the product is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater) | PayNow |
roomRates.guarantee | object | No | Guarantee information for this room rate. | / |
@guaranteeType | string | Yes | The type of guarantee method, refer to the standard guarantee type list. | CCG |
roomRates.fees | array[object] | No | Fee or tax by date range. | / |
fees.dateRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | Start date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | End date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
fees.fee |
| Yes | / | / |
@name | string | Yes | Pattern: \w[\w\d]+ | Service Charge |
@type | enum | Yes | The fee or tax is included in the amount before tax or not. Enum: [ Inclusive, Exclusive ] | Exclusive |
@amount | number | Yes | Amount value of fee or tax | 10 |
@amountType | string | Yes | Indicates how to charge the tax, 10% per room per night in this example Enum: [ Fix, Percent ] | Percent |
@chargeType | string | Yes | Enum: [ PerRoomPerNight, PerPersonPerNight, PerRoomPerStay, PerPersonPerStay ] | PerRoomPerNight |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the fee is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater) Enum: [ PayLater, PayNow ] | PayNow |
@effectivePerson | number | No | This means the fee that will be charged based on how many persons, like extra person charge, usually applied from 3, so the 1 adult, 2 adults will be same, 3 adults will be charged an extra fee. | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy | object | No | Cancellation policy defines what penalty will be charged when a guest cancels the booking at a certain advance time range. The penalty is related to No-show or a time range before No-show/ | / |
@code | string | Yes | Max Length: 128 Code of cancel policy | AD100P_100P |
@description | string | No | Max Length: 1024 the description of the cancel policy | Non Refundable |
cancelPolicy. cancelPenalties |
| Yes | Detail about the cancel Penalty | / |
@noShow | boolean | Yes | If true, it means the penaltyCharge applied for No-Show, and the cancellable, cancelDeadline will NOT exist. | / |
@cancellable | boolean | No | Indicates cancel is allowed or not. If false, it cannot be canceled. If true, the cancelDeadline will exist. | / |
cancelPenalties / cancelDeadline |
| No | / | / |
@offsetTimeDropType | enum | No | Enum: [ BeforeArrival ] An enumerated type indicates when the deadline drop time goes into effect. | / |
@offsetTimeUnit | enum | No | Enum: [ D, H ]
| / |
@offsetTimeValue | number | No | The number of offset times with the time unit. | / |
@deadline | string | No | local deadline time allowed for cancellation, like 4 PM, or 6 PM. | / |
cancelPenalties. penaltyCharge | / | / | / | / |
@chargeBase | enum | No | Enum: [ FullStay, NightBase ] if FullStay, it will be a percentage or amount, if NightBase, the nights are required. | / |
@nights | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is based on the night, like the first night. | / |
@amount | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is a flat charge, like USD 30.00. | / |
@percent | number | No | Exists if the penalty charge is percent, like 15.5 means 15.5%. | / |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
This API is used by distributors to book rooms. A call will be sent to the hotel supplier system to get a real-time confirmation.
POST /reservation/book HTTP/1.1
URL: {{endpoint}}/reservation/book/{supplierId}
Authorization:Bearer {apiKey}
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Request Example
{ "header": { "supplierId": "string", "distributorId": "string", "version": "v1.0.0", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "reservationIds": { "distributorResId": "C2084DFL0" }, "corpCode": "DIS", "iata": "string", "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2024-01-01", "checkout": "2024-01-04" }, "contactPerson": { "firstName": "Thomas", "lastName": "Hintz", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "260-975-4091", "address": "3946 Freddy Locks" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 1, "adultCount": 2, "childCount": 1, "childAges": [ 5 ] }, "total": { "amountBeforeTax": 640, "amountAfterTax": 700 }, "payment": { "cardCode": "VI", "cardNumber": "4111111111111111", "cardHolderName": "Sherlock Holmes", "expireDate": "0119", "securityCode": "123" }, "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "guests": [ { "firstName": "Thomas", "lastName": "Hintz", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "260-975-4091", "address": "3946 Freddy Locks", "age": 32, "gender": "Male", "birthday": "1990-01-01", "type": "Adult", "index": 1 }, { "firstName": "Hillary", "lastName": "Ullrich", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "260-975-4091", "address": "3946 Freddy Locks", "age": 28, "gender": "Female", "birthday": "1994-01-01", "type": "Adult", "index": 1 }, { "firstName": "Alex", "lastName": "Hintz", "age": 5, "type": "Child", "index": 1 } ], "comments": [ "no smoking", "high floor" ], "roomRates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2024-01-01", "endDate": "2024-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 999, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], "bookingChannel": "string", "threeDomainSecurity": { "cavv": "string", "eci": "string", "xid": "string", "threeDomainSecurityVersion": "string", "transactionId": "string", "merchantName": "string", "channelCode": "EC", "exemptionType": "SC", "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }, "bookingToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c", "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v4 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservationIds |
| Yes | / | / |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
corpCode | string | No | Corp ID in distributor’s system | DIS |
iata | string | No | IATA | / |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier's system | 100001 |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
contactPerson | object | Yes | / | / |
@firstName | string | Yes | First Name | James |
@lastName | string | Yes | Last Name | Bond |
string | No | |||
@phone | string | No | / | / |
@address | string | No | / | / |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | / |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | / |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room | / |
@childAges | array | No | For child ages for each child, the array size MUST be the same as the child count. | / |
total | object | Yes | / | / |
@amountBeforeTax | number | No | abbr. ABT It's required if AAT is not provided | 640 |
@amountAfterTax | number | No | abbr. AAT It's required if ABT is not provided | 700 |
payment | / | No | / | / |
@cardCode | string | Yes | VI, MC, AX, etc. Card Code | VI |
@cardNumber | string | Yes | Credit card number | 4111111111111111 |
@cardHolderName | string | Yes | Cardholder name | Sherlock Holmes |
@expireDate | string | Yes | It should be 2 digits for the month, 2 digits for the year, as "MMYY" | 0119 |
@securityCode | string | No | Card verification value | 123 |
loyaltyAccount | object | No | / | / |
@programCode | string | Yes | Loyalty program code of the supplier | BW |
@accountId | string | Yes | Loyalty program account ID | 1234567890123457 |
guests | array[object] | Yes | / |
@firstName | string | Yes | First Name | James/ |
@lastName | string | Yes | Last Name | Bond |
string | No | |||
@phone | string | No | / | / |
@address | string | No | / | / |
@age | integer | No | Age of guest | / |
@gender | enum | No | Gender of guest | Male |
@birthday | string | No | Birthday of guest | 1970-12-20 |
@type | string | No | Type of guest, Adult, Child, or Infant Enum: [ Adult, Child, Infant ] | / |
@index | integer | No | Indicate which guests will be allocated to which room.
For one room reservation, the room index is 1 for all guests. For multi-room reservations, the index starts from 1 and the max room index is equal to the number of booked rooms. | index = 1, Indicate the guest will allocate to the first room. index = 2, Indicate the guest will allocate to the second room. |
comments | array[string] | No | / | [ "no smoking", "high floor" ] |
roomRates | array[object] | Yes | Min Items: 1 Max Items: 1 Meal plan, fee, and cancel policy are optional fields as some distributors do not support these in the API | / |
@roomId | string | Yes | Room ID in supplier's system | 10000101 |
@rateId | string | Yes | Rate ID in supplier's system | 123456 |
@currency | string | Yes | Currency code [ISO-4217] | USD |
@amountBeforeTax | array[number] | No | abbr. ABT It's required if AAT is not provided | [ 100, 100, 120 ] |
@amountAfterTax | array[number] | No | abbr. AAT The daily amount of rate with tax and fee. | [ 110, 110, 130 ] |
@mealPlan | string | No | Meal plan code, refer to the standard meal plan code list. | RO |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the product is prepaid to hotel (PayNow) or pay at hotel (PayLater). | PayNow |
roomRates/guarantee | object | No | Guarantee information for this room rate. | / |
@guaranteeType | string | Yes | The type of guarantee method, refer to the standard guarantee type list. | CCG |
roomRates.fees | array[object] | No | Fee or tax by date range. | / |
fees.dateRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | Start date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | End date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
fees.fee |
| Yes | / | / |
@name | string | Yes | Pattern: \w[\w\d]+ | Service Charge |
@type | enum | Yes | The fee or tax is included in the amount before tax or not Enum: [ Inclusive, Exclusive ] | Exclusive |
@amount | number | Yes | Amount value of fee or tax | 10 |
@amountType | string | Yes | Indicates how to charge the tax, 10% per room per night in this example Enum: [ Fix, Percent ] | Percent |
@chargeType | string | Yes | Enum: [ PerRoomPerNight, PerPersonPerNight, PerRoomPerStay, PerPersonPerStay ] | PerRoomPerNight |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the fee is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater). Enum: [ PayLater, PayNow ] | PayNow |
@effectivePerson | number | No | This means this fee will be charged based on how many persons, like an extra person charge, usually applied from 3, so the 1 adult, 2 adults will be same, 3 adults will be charged an extra fee. | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy | object | No | Cancellation policy defines what penalty will be a charge when a guest cancels the booking at a certain advance time range. The penalty is related to No-show or a time range before No-show. '. | / |
@code | string | Yes | Max Length: 128 code of cancel policy | AD100P_100P |
@description | string | No | Max Length: 1024 the description of the cancellation policy | Non Refundable |
cancelPolicy / cancelPenalties |
| Yes | Detail about the cancel Penalty | / |
@noShow | boolean | Yes | If true, it means the penaltyCharge applied for No-Show, and the cancellable, cancelDeadline will NOT exist | / |
@cancellable | boolean | No | Indicates cancel is allowed or not. If false, it cannot be canceled. If true, the cancelDeadline will exist. | / |
cancelPenalties. cancelDeadline | / | / | / | / |
@offsetTimeDropType | enum | No | Enum: [ BeforeArrival ] An enumerated type indicates when the deadline drop time goes into effect. | / |
@offsetTimeUnit | enum | No | Enum: [ D, H ]
| / |
@offsetTimeValue | number | No | The number of offset times with the time unit | / |
@deadline | string | No | Local deadline times allowed for cancellation, like 4 PM, or 6 PM | / |
cancelPenalties.penaltyCharge | / | / | / | / |
@chargeBase | enum | No | Enum: [ FullStay, NightBase ] If FullStay, it will be a percentage or amount, if NightBase, the nights are required. | / |
@nights | number | No | It exists if the penalty charge is based on the night, like the first night. | / |
@amount | number | No | It exists if the penalty charge is a flat charge, like USD 30.00. | / |
@percent | number | No | It exists if the penalty charge is percent, like 15.5 means 15.5%. | / |
bookingChannel | string | No | Sub-distributor ID | / |
@date | string | Yes | format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2022-01-01 |
@quantity | integer | Yes | / | 1 |
@officeId | string | No | / | / |
rate.ageQualifyingType | object | No | / | / |
@type | enum | Yes | Enum: [Adult, Child] | Adult |
@minAge | string | Yes | / | 18 |
@maxAge | integer | Yes | / | 18 |
rate.currency | string | Yes | / | USD |
rate.amountBeforeTax | number | No | / | 123.23 |
rate.amountAfterTax | number | No | / | 134.34 |
threeDomainSecurity | object | No | / | / |
@cavv | string | No | Cardholder Authentication Verification Value Information is retrieved from the 3DS provider when authentication is successful. | / |
@eci | string | No | The electronic commerce indicator. | / |
@xid | string | No | Transaction identifier for a 3DS Version 1 provider, assigned by the Directory Server to identify a single transaction. | / |
@threeDomainSecurityVersion | string | No | Include this only for 3D Secure 2. | / |
@transactionId | string | No | Transaction identifier for a 3DS Version 2 provider, assigned by the Directory Server to identify a single transaction. | / |
@merchantName | string | No | Identifier of the merchant completing the 3DS transaction. | / |
@channelCode | enum | No | Specify the collection channel of payment cards | EC |
@exemptionType | enum | No | Determines which exemption was used by the Payment Service Provider (PSP) | SC |
bookingToken | string | Yes | Booking token used for booking | eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ik pXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3 ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIi wiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ .SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36PO k6yJV_adQssw5c |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: Sensitive Information | / |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"token": "18393849028490234"
"reservationIds": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": "89389494"
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 403)
"error": "Key not authorized"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 500)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservationIds |
| Yes | / | / |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
@derbyResId | string | No | Reservation ID in DerbySoft system, this is a unique ID as DerbySoft would be splitting the reservation. | D15F893D34DF |
@supplierResId | string | No | Reservation ID in supplier's system | 89389494 |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: |
This api was used by distributor to modify an exist booking. It will be forwarded to the hotel supplier system to get a real-time confirmation.
Request Example
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1",
"token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0"
"reservationIds": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": "89389494"
"iata": "string",
"hotelId": "GATHI",
"stayRange": {
"checkin": "2024-01-01",
"checkout": "2024-01-04"
"contactPerson": {
"firstName": "James",
"lastName": "Bond",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string"
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"total": {
"amountBeforeTax": 640,
"amountAfterTax": 700
"payment": {
"cardCode": "VI",
"cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
"cardHolderName": "Sherlock Holmes",
"expireDate": "119",
"securityCode": "123"
"loyaltyAccount": {
"programCode": "BW",
"accountId": "1234567890123457"
"guests": [
"firstName": "James",
"lastName": "Bond",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "string",
"address": "string",
"age": 0,
"gender": "Male",
"birthday": "2024-01-01",
"type": "Adult",
"index": 1
"comments": [
"no smoking",
"high floor"
"roomRates": [
"roomId": "K1D",
"rateId": "ODAD01",
"currency": "USD",
"amountBeforeTax": [
"amountAfterTax": [
"mealPlan": "RO",
"paymentType": "PayNow",
"guarantee": {
"guaranteeType": "CCG"
"fees": [
"dateRange": {
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"endDate": "2024-01-04"
"fee": {
"name": "Service Charge",
"type": "Exclusive",
"amount": 10,
"amountType": "Percent",
"chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight",
"paymentType": "PayNow",
"effectivePerson": 0
"cancelPolicy": {
"code": "AD100P_100P",
"description": "Non Refundable",
"cancelPenalties": [
"noShow": true,
"cancellable": true,
"cancelDeadline": {
"offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival",
"offsetTimeUnit": "D",
"offsetTimeValue": 999,
"deadline": "string"
"penaltyCharge": {
"chargeBase": "FullStay",
"nights": 0,
"amount": 0,
"percent": 0
"corpCode": "string",
"threeDomainSecurity": {
"cavv": "string",
"eci": "string",
"xid": "string",
"threeDomainSecurityVersion": "string",
"transactionId": "string",
"merchantName": "string",
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Request Specification
Attributes | Description | Required | Type | Example |
header |
header.token | An unique id to identiy request and response, normally it should be uuid | Yes | string | FA4AAAF482E16D2E6784C278821A1F0D |
header.corpCode | Code of corp in distributor system | Yes | string | ABC |
header.distributorCode | Distributor ID in DerbySoft's system | Yes | string | AA |
header.version | Version of API | No | string | v1 |
distributorResId | Reservation id in distributor’s system (must be unique) | Yes | string | C2084DFL0 |
supplierCode | Code of supplier in DerbySoft’s system | Yes | string | IHG |
corpCode | Corp code in the distributor’s system | No | string | IBM |
hotelCode | Hotel code in the distributor’s system | Yes | string | 710 |
supplierHotelCode | Hotel code in the supplier’s system | Yes | string | H710 |
checkin | Check-in date | Yes | string ($date) | 2022-06-07 |
checkout | Check-out date | Yes | string ($date) | 2022-06-08 |
roomCount | Total room count per request | Yes | integer | 1 |
adultCount | Total adult count per room | Yes | integer | 1 |
roomRates |
| Yes | object | / |
roomRates.roomCode | Room code in the supplier’s system | Yes | string | RC1 |
roomRates.roomName | Room name in the supplier’s system | Yes | string | RC1 |
roomRates/ratePlanCode | Rate plan code in the supplier’s system | Yes | string | RP1 |
roomRates.ratePlanName | rate plan name in the supplier’s system | Yes | string | RP1 |
roomRates.currency | currency [ISO-4217] | Yes | string | USD |
roomRates.dailyRates | Daily room rates | No | object | / |
roomRates.dailyRates.amountBeforeTax | Daily amount before tax | No | string | 100 |
rpomRates.dailyRates.amountAfterTax | Daily amount after tax | No | string | 110 |
roomRates.paymentType | Indicates the product is prepaid to hotel(PayNow) or pay at hotel(PayLater) | No | enum [Pay Now, Pay Later] | Pay Now |
roomRates.guaranteeType | Guarantee information | No | enum [CCG, GTTA, GTC, GTP, NG] | CCG |
roomRates.mealPlan | Meal plan information | No | object | / |
roomRates.mealPlan.code | Meal plan code | Yes | Enum [RO, BB, LO, DO, BL, HB, LD, AI, UNK ] | RO |
roomRates.mealPlan.description | Meal plan description | No | object | / |
roomRates.mealPlan.description.zh_CN | Meal plan description in Chinese | No | string | / |
roomRates.mealPlan.description.en_US | Meal plan description in English | No | string | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy | Cancellation Information | No | object | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.code | Cancellation policy code | No | string | AD100P_100P |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.description | Cancellation policy description | No | string | Non-Refundable |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties | Cancellation penalties | No | object | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.noShow | If true, it means the penaltyCharge applied for No-Show, and the cancellable, cancelDeadline will NOT exist | Yes | boolean | TRUE |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.cancellable | It indicates cancellation is allowed or not. If false, it can not be cancelled. If true, the cancelDeadline will exists. | No | boolean | TRUE |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.cancelDeadline |
| No | object | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.cancelDeadline.offsetTimeDropType | An enumerated type indicates when the deadline drop time goes into effect. | No | Enum: [ BeforeArrival ] | BeforeArrival |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.cancelDeadline.offsetTimeUnit | The cancellation deadline unit. D for days, H for hours | No | Enum: [ D,H ] | D |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.cancelDeadline.offsetTimeValue | The cancellation deadline value | No | number | 0 |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.cancelDeadline.deadline | Local deadline times allowed for cancellation, like 4 PM, 6 PM | No | string |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.penaltyCharge | Cancellation penalties | Yes | object | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.penaltyCharge.chargeBase | if FullStay, it will be a percentage or amount, if NightBased, the nights are required. | No | Enum: [ FullStay, NightBase ] | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.penaltyCharge.nights | Exists if the penalty charge is based on the night, like the first night | No | number | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.penaltyCharge.amount | Exists if the penalty charge is a flat charge, like USD 30.00 | No | number | / |
roomRates.cancelPolicy.cancelPenalties.penaltyCharge.percent | Exists if the penalty charge is percent, like 15.5 means 15.5% | No | number | / |
roomRates.extenisons |
| No | string | / |
totalAmountBeforeTax | Total amount before tax | No | string |
totalAmountAfterTax | Total amount after tax | No | string |
contactPerson |
| Yes | object |
contactPerson.firstName | First name | No | string | James |
contactPerson.lastName | Last name | No | string | Li | | No | string | || | Phone | No | string | / |
contactPerson.nationality | Nationality | No | string | CN |
guests |
| Yes | object |
guests.roomIndex | Indicates which guests will be allocated to which room. | Yes | integer | index = 1, Indicate the guest will allocate to the first room. index = 2, Indicate the guest will allocate to the second room. |
guests.firstName | First name | No | string | James |
guests.lastName | Last name | No | string | Li | | Guest email | No | string | | | Guest phone | No | string | / |
guests.nationality | Guest nationality | No | string | CN |
payment |
| object |
payment.cardCode | Credit card code | Yes | string | VI, MC, AX |
payment.cardNumber | Credit card number | Yes | string | 4111111111111111 |
payment.cardHolderName | Credit card holder | Yes | string | Sherlock Holmes |
payment.expireDate | Credit card expiration date | Yes | string (MMYY) | 0119 |
loyaltyAccount |
| object |
loyaltyAccount.programCode | Loyalty program of the supplier | No | string | BW |
loyaltyAccount.accountId | Loyalty program account Id | No | string | 123456789 |
comments | Special remarks from guests | No | list | “high floor”, “non-smoking” |
specialRequests | Special requests from distributor | No | list | “high floor”, “non-smoking” |
extensions |
| No |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
"header": {
"token": "FA4AAAF482E16D2E6784C278821A1F0D",
"corpCode": "string",
"distributorCode": "ABC",
"version": "v1"
"success": true,
"error": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string"
"body": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": 89389494,
"extensions": {
"k1": "v1",
"k2": "v2"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 401)
{ "errorCode": "string", "supplierErrorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" }
- Error Response (HTTP Status 500)
{ "errorCode": "string", "supplierErrorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" }
Response Specification
Attributes | Description | Required | Type | Example |
header |
header.token | An unique id to identiy request and response, normally it should be uuid | Yes | string | FA4AAAF482E16D2E6784C278821A1F0D |
header.corpCode | Code of corp in distributor system | Yes | string | ABC |
header.distributorCode | Distributor ID in DerbySoft's system | Yes | string | AA |
header.version | Version of API | No | string | v1 |
success | Indicates if the request is successful | Yes | boolean | TRUE |
error | Error | No | object | / |
error.code | Error code | No | string | Timeout |
error.message | Error message | No | string | Internal System Error |
body |
| object |
distributorResId | Reservation ids in distributor’s system | Yes | string | C2084DFL0 |
derbyResId | Reservation ids in DerbySoft’s system | Yes | string | D15F893D34DF |
supplierResId | Reservation ids in supplier’s system | Yes | string | 89389494 |
extensions |
| No | string | [“k1”: “v1”] [“k2”: “v2”] |
This is an API for DerbySoft to call suppliers' systems to cancel a booking. Since DerbySoft does splitting on original reservations, the supplier should cancel the reservation by unique derbyResId or supplierResId.
POST /reservation/cancel HTTP/1.1
URL: {endpoint}/reservation/cancel/{supplierId}
Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Request Example
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"token": "18393849028490234"
"reservationIds": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": "89389494"
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system. | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system. | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservationIds |
| Yes | / | / |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
@derbyResId | string | No | Reservation ID in Derbysoft's system, it's a unique ID as DerbySoft would be splitting the reservation. | D15F893D34DF |
@supplierResId | string | No | Reservation ID in supplier's system | 89389494 |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format). Please don't transmit sensitive information through this field. For more information refer to: | {"key": "value"} |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"token": "18393849028490234"
"reservationIds": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": "89389494"
"cancellationId": "C89389494",
"extensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 403)
"error": "Key not authorized"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 500)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of hotel suppliers is in DerbySoft's system. | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservationIds | object | Yes | / | 100001 |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
@derbyResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in Derbysoft's system, It's a unique ID as DerbySoft would be splitting the reservation. | D15F893D34DF |
@supplierResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in supplier's system | 89389494 |
cancellationId | string | Yes | Cancellation confirmation number in supplier's system | C89389494 |
extensions | object | No | Optional: Additional agreed-upon attributes between suppliers and distributors (DerbySoft will provide the specified format) | / |
Query Reservation List
This is an API to query a reservation list in DerbySoft's system and supplier's system with a timestamp range of the reservation's last modified date. It should be implemented by both DerbySoft and the supplier.
POST /reservations HTTP/1.1
URL: {{endpoint}}/reservations/(supplierId}
Authorization: Bearer 53ac07777cdffac2d53000002d698728ce964432d7167596bc005c5fc
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Request Example
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"token": "18393849028490234"
"dateRange": {
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"endDate": "2024-01-04"
"hotelId": "GATHI"
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
dateRange | / | / | / | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | Start date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | End date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
hotelId | string | No | Supplier hotel ID in DerbySoft's system | GATHI |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"token": "18393849028490234"
"reservations": [
"reservationIds": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": "89389494"
"iata": "string",
"hotelId": "GATHI",
"stayRange": {
"checkin": "2024-01-01",
"checkout": "2024-01-04"
"roomCriteria": {
"roomCount": 2,
"adultCount": 1,
"childCount": 2,
"childAges": [
"total": {
"amountBeforeTax": 640,
"amountAfterTax": 700
"status": "Confirmed",
"cancellationId": "C89389494",
"result": "Successful",
"failCause": {
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 403)
"error": "Key not authorized"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 500)
"errorCode": "InvalidField",
"errorMessage": "Invalid Message"
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservations | / | / | / | / |
reservations/reservationIds | / | / | / | / |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
@derbyResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in Derbysoft's system, this is a unique ID as DerbySoft would be splitting the reservation. | D15F893D34DF |
@supplierResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in supplier's system | 89389494 |
@iata | string | No | / | / |
@hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier’s system | 100001 |
reservations/stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
reservations/roomCriteria | object | Yes | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room |
@childAges | array | No | For child ages for each child, array size MUST be the same as the child count. | [ 4, 8 ] |
reservations/total | object | Yes | / | / |
@amountBeforeTax | number | No | / | 640 |
@amountAfterTax | number | No | / | 700 |
@status | enum | Yes | Enum: [ Confirmed, Modified, Cancelled ] Status of reservation | / |
cancellationId | string | No | Cancel confirmation number in supplier's system | C89389494 |
@result | enum | Yes | Enum: [ Successful, Failed, Processing ] Status of the reservation to send to supplier | / |
reservations / failCause |
| No | / | / |
@errorCode | string | Yes | Refer to Error Code Appendix | / |
@supplierErrorCode | string | No | Error code from the supplier's system | / |
@errorMessage | string | Yes | Error message | / |
Query Reservation Detail
This API is used by distributors to query existing bookings. It can be used to check the reservation status of some timeout booking requests.
POST /reservation/detail HTTP/1.1
URL: {{endpoint}}/bts/api/reservation/detail/{supplierId}
Authorization: Bearer 53ac07777cdffac2d53000002d698728ce964432d7167596bc005c5fc
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Request Example
"header": {
"supplierId": "string",
"distributorId": "string",
"version": "v1",
"token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0"
"reservationIds": {
"distributorResId": "C2084DFL0",
"derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF",
"supplierResId": "89389494"
Request Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system. | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | Max Length: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | Max Length: 20 Version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | Max Length: 64 A unique ID to identify requests and responses, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservationIds |
| Yes | / | / |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
@derbyResId | string | No | Reservation ID in Derbysoft's system, it's a unique ID as DerbySoft would be splitting the reservation. | D15F893D34DF |
@supplierResId | string | No | Reservation ID in supplier's system | 89389494 |
Response Example
- Success Response (HTTP Status 200)
{ "header": { "supplierId": "string", "distributorId": "string", "version": "v1", "token": "be5b09acd91b45988f3f9dff595563f0" }, "reservations": [ { "reservationIds": { "distributorResId": "C2084DFL0", "derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF", "supplierResId": "89389494" }, "iata": "string", "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2024-01-01", "checkout": "2024-01-04" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "total": { "amountBeforeTax": 640, "amountAfterTax": 700 }, "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "comments": [ "no smoking", "high floor" ], "roomRates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2024-01-01", "endDate": "2024-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 999, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], "bookingChannel": "string", "status": "Confirmed", "cancellationId": "C89389494", "result": "Successful", "failCause": { "errorCode": "string", "supplierErrorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" } } ] }
- Error Response (HTTP Status 403)
"errorCode": "string",
"supplierErrorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
- Error Response (HTTP Status 500)
{ "errorCode": "InvalidField",
"errorMessage": "Invalid Message"}
Response Specification
Attribute | Type | Required | Description | Example |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the hotel supplier in DerbySoft's system | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | MaxLength: 32 The ID of the distributor in DerbySoft's system | MOCK_DISTRIBUTOR |
@version | string | Yes | MaxLength: 20 version of API | v1.0.0 |
@token | string | Yes | MaxLength: 64 A unique ID to identify request and response, normally it should be UUID. | 18393849028490234 |
reservations | / | No | / | / |
/reservationIds | / | / | / | / |
@distributorResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in distributor's system | C2084DFL0 |
@derbyResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in DerbySoft system, this is a unique ID as DerbySoft would be splitting the reservation. | D15F893D34DF |
@supplierResId | string | Yes | Reservation ID in supplier's system | 89389494 |
iata | string | No | / | / |
hotelId | string | Yes | Hotel ID in supplier’s system | 100001 |
stayRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@checkin | string | Yes | Check-in, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@checkout | string | Yes | Check out, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
roomCriteria | object | Yes | / | / |
@roomCount | integer | Yes | Total room count per request | / |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | Adult count per room | / |
@childCount | integer | No | Child count per room |
@childAges | array | No | For child ages each child, the array size MUST be the same as the child count. | / |
total | object | Yes | / | / |
@amountBeforeTax | number | No | / | 640 |
@amountAfterTax | number | No | / | 700 |
loyaltyAccount | object | No | / | / |
@programCode | string | Yes | Loyalty program code of the supplier | BW |
@accountId | string | Yes | Loyalty program account ID | 1234567890123457 |
comments | array[string] | No | / | [ "no smoking", "high floor" ] |
roomRates | array[object] | Yes | Min Items: 1 Max Item: 1 Meal plan, fee, and cancel policy are optional fields as some distributors do not support these in the API. | / |
@roomId | string | Yes | Room ID in supplier's system | 10000101 |
@rateId | string | Yes | Rate ID in supplier's system | 123456 |
@currency | string | Yes | Currency code [ISO-4217] | USD |
@amountBeforeTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount rate without tax and fee | [ 100, 100, 120 ] |
@amountAfterTax | array[number] | No | The daily amount of rate with tax and fee | [ 110, 110, 130 ] |
@mealPlan | string | No | Meal plan code, refer to the standard meal plan code list. | RO |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the product is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater). | PayNow |
roomRates/guarantee | object | No | Guarantee information for this room rate. | / |
@guaranteeType | string | Yes | The type of guarantee method, refer to the standard guarantee type list. | CCG |
roomRates/fees | array[object] | No | Fee or tax by date range. | / |
fees/dateRange | object | Yes | / | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | Start date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | End date of date range, format with yyyy-MM-dd | 2024-01-04 |
fees / fee | / | Yes | / | / |
@name | string | Yes | Pattern: \w[\w\d]+ | Service Charge |
@type | enum | Yes | Indicates if the fee or tax is included in the amount before tax or not. Enum: [ Inclusive, Exclusive ] | Exclusive |
@amount | number | Yes | Amount value of fee or tax | 10 |
@amountType | string | Yes | Indicates how to charge the tax, 10% per room per night in this example Enum: [ Fix, Percent ] | Percent |
@chargeType | string | Yes | Enum: [ PerRoomPerNight, PerPersonPerNight, PerRoomPerStay, PerPersonPerStay ] | PerRoomPerNight |
@paymentType | enum | No | Indicates the fee is prepaid to the hotel (PayNow) or pay at the hotel (PayLater). Enum: [ PayLater, PayNow ] | PayNow |
@effectivePerson | number |
| This means this fee will be charged based on how many persons, like extra person charge, usually applied from 3, so the 1 adult, 2 adults will be same, 3 adults will be charged an extra fee. | / |
roomRates/cancelPolicy | object | No | Cancellation policy defines what penalty will be charged when a guest cancels the booking at a certain advance time range. The penalty is related to No-show or a time range before No-show. | / |
@code | string |
| Max Length: 128 Code of cancel policy | AD100P_100P |
@description | string |
| Max Length: 1024 The description of the cancellation policy | Non Refundable |
cancelPolicy/cancelPenalties |
| Yes | Detail about the canceled Penalty | / |
@noShow | boolean | Yes | If true, it means the penalty charge applied for No-Show, and the cancellable, cancelDeadline will NOT exist. | / |
@cancellable | boolean | No | Indicates if cancellation is allowed or not. If false, it cannot be canceled. If true, the cancellation deadline will exist. | / |
cancelPenalties/cancelDeadline | / | / | / | / |
@offsetTimeDropType | enum | No | Enum: [ BeforeArrival ] An enumerated type indicates when the deadline drop time goes into effect. | / |
@offsetTimeUnit | enum | No | Enum: [ D, H ]
| / |
@offsetTimeValue | number | No | The number of offset times with the time unit | / |
@deadline | string | No | Local deadline times allowed for cancellation, like 4 PM, or 6 PM. | / |
cancelPenalties/penaltyCharge | / | / | / | / |
@chargeBase | enum | No | Enum: [ FullStay, NightBase ] if FullStay, it will be a percentage or amount, if NightBase, the nights are required. | / |
@nights | number | No | It exists if the penalty charge is based on the night, like the first night. | / |
@amount | number | No | It exists if the penalty charge is a flat charge, like USD 30.00. | / |
@percent | number | No | It exists if the penalty charge is percent, like 15.5 means 15.5% | / |
bookingChannel | string | No | Sub-distributor ID | / |
status | enum | Yes | Enum: [ Confirmed, Modified, Cancelled ]
The latest status of the reservation
Please combine the status and result fields to determine the reservation whether successful, combination examples are as follows:
| / |
cancellationId | string | No | Cancellation confirmation number in suppliers' system | C89389494 |
result | enum | Yes | Enum: [ Successful, Failed, Processing ] result of the reservation to send to the supplier | / |
reservations/failCause | / | No | / | / |
@errorCode | string | Yes | / | |
@supplierErrorCode | string | No | Error code from the supply system | / |
@errorMessage | string | Yes | Error message |
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